Alright. This is a quick one. Check this out.
Is there such a thing as an original creative idea anymore? Or are all the world’s creative concepts these days are just re-hashes of what’s been done before? How can one be sure that an idea – whether for a print ad, website or TVC – has not been thought of previously by someone on the other side of the world?
Hmmm… I think I’ve never written a whole paragraph consisting of only questions. That’s unquestionably (pun intended) a first.
Check out these videos and share your thoughts:
Actually, this reminds me of the music industry as well. Search for “I Miss You Song” in Google and you get like a gazillion of tracks with the same title.
The same concept, but different execution. Is originality dead?
P.S. Both ads however are brilliant to say the least. The kind of ads that make you want to work in advertising, hoping one day you would conceive such ads.
I love both ads. Well done. Well executed. Original ideas don’t come easy these days. Just look at Hollywood. At least the rehash here didn’t screw up the original.
True… how could I have missed Hollywood? But I think Bollywood is an even worse culprit of blatantly plagiarizing ideas. Ah well, not that I’m a creative genius myself… haha… but most of the time, it does seem we have reached a creative plateau of sorts.
Hahaha…true! Ugh..Bollywood…How could I have missed THAT! Anyway, hey, in terms of being a creative genius its not like it doesn’t take a lot of work and thought too! Look at it this way, a smart person makes something for someone. A creative person makes it relevant for everyone. ( A little weak I know, I should have my coffee before posting… ) Ah well..
cool ads! i think original ideas comes via a wealthy mindset, right attitude and true passion/love for what you do.. ain’t that it bro…? haha.. check out this site – got it all covered on creativity starting with the look of the site.. adios!
Hey! I must say, quite a cool lookin site. And yes, no matter what inspires you… you got to love the thing you do. Thanks for the comment… and see ya around!
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